Special Announcements

Harrisena Church Worship Bulletin November 8th


Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!

I have attached the bulletin for this Sunday.   
As you know, the Board of Trustees has decided to open the sanctuary for worship on Sunday, RSVP only.  If you haven't sent your RSVP yet, call Rev. Natalie at 518-744-8768 to check availability.  Thank you so much!
The service will be broadcast from the Education Building for the first couple of weeks as we figure out how to include FACEBOOK and conference call-in to the in-person service.  We are all excited about this new beginning as we all work together.  The touchless sanitation stations will be located at the entrance and exit.  The signage has been posted, the church is being aired out as I write the email, the church has been sanitized and the sign-in sheet is located at the front door.  Pews have been marked.  Only two people on each pew (following social distancing guidelines, UNLESS you reside in the same family or household.)  Remember, no hymnals or singing will be allowed.  Unfortunately, we have also had to remove the Bibles from the pews.  "I have hidden thy word in my heart that I would not sin against thee..."  Psalm 119:11 NIV
Due to the need for some ventilation, please dress warmly.  We will leave the front and side doors slightly open.  

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