After receiving the letter from Jim Ferris, the congregation's president this week alerting everyone to the fact that the HCC Board of Trustees have decided to close worship services going forward until we see a decrease in the numbers of COVID-19 cases in Warren County and determine it is safe to return to the church campus. The Board of Trustees and the president will continue to communicate with you as a congregation, always striving to keep everyone safe. Therefore, until further notice, our worship services will be VIRTUAL ONLY service.
Please make sure you reach out to someone who lives alone during this time. A phone call or kind gesture is often appreciated. Be mindful, the calls don't have to be long conversations. Listening is a wonderful gift to share. I often drive to someone's home and blow my horn (not getting out of the car), just to let them know they are in my thoughts and prayers.
Especially during this time, let's find creative ways to stay connected. Remember social distancing does not mean spiritual distancing. Our hearts remain connected by God's love.
Let us continue to pray for each other and our world. Let us also pray for our church family and the Church universal.