Posted on 8/29/2020
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!I have attached a copy of our Sunday morning bulletin for you. JOIN US TOMORROW ONFACEBOOK LIVE @ drnatalie wimberlyand CONFERENCE CALL-IN: 1-313-209-8800. The ID# is 796-8500, then press #.OFFERINGS AND DONATIONS can be mailed to: Harrisena Community...
Posted on 8/23/2020
SUMMER BLOOD DRIVE: Monday, Aug. 24, 1-6 PM, in Robinson Hall. Donation need is greater than ever! Each pint of blood collected can save up to THREE lives. Our goal is 25 donors! To Help – share this information on social media, volunteer to help staff the canteen, serve as a greeter, cleaning-up, and...
Posted on 8/22/2020
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!I have attached a copy of our Sunday morning bulletin for you.JOIN US TOMORROW ONFACEBOOK LIVE @ drnatalie wimberlyand CONFERENCE CALL-IN: 1-313-209-8800. The ID# is 796-8500, then press #.OFFERINGS AND DONATIONS can be mailed to: Harrisena Community...
Posted on 8/16/2020
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ! I have attached a copy of our Sunday morning bulletin for you AND a copy of a letter from the Board of Trustees. TOMORROW IS SCHOLARSHIP SUNDAY AUGUST 16TH @ 9:30 AM in the parking lot. PARK EVERY THIRD (3rd) PARKING...
Posted on 8/8/2020
I have attached a copy of the bulletin for you. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE I @ 9:30 AM on FACEBOOK LIVE @ drnatalie wimberly and CONFERENCE CALL-IN: 1-313-209-8800. The ID# is 796-8500, then press #. NEXT SUNDAY!!! SCHOLARSHIP SUNDAY, AUGUST 16TH @ 9:30 AM in the parking lot. HARRISENA COMMUNITY CHURCH PARK EVERY THIRD (3rd) PARKING SPACES. We will follow the guidelines as outlined. THINGS TO REMEMBER: -Practice...
Posted on 7/25/2020
Sitting here on earth we wait in hope and faith. We sit with the blanket of God’s promises resting upon our laps. We stare out the window waiting for God to roll down our street in a brand new Cadillac or pushing a pram with a cooing child. We wait,...
Posted on 7/18/2020
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!!!! ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL CHICKEN BBQ partnering with Dizzy Dave's Backyard BBQ!!!! ALL RESERVATIONS AND MEALS SOLD OUT!!!! Today we collected $4320 at church + $30 from online giving= $4350. We paid Dizzy Dave $3000. That leaves us $1350 + $205...
Posted on 7/11/2020
I have attached a copy of the bulletin for you. Also, remember to call Deanna Payne for your CHICKEN BBQ DINNER, next Saturday, July 18th. Reservations ONLY!!! Call today! Call now to reserve tickets 518-681-2602. TOMORROW MORNING... TAILGATE SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE @ 9:30 AM in the HARRISENA COMMUNITY CHURCH PARKING LOT PARK EVERY THIRD (3rd) PARKING SPACES. (If...
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